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iron man character hire

Hello and welcome to Hire A Hero! My name is Gavin, a massive geek, maker and cosplayer from Kent. Ever since I was a child I've been interested in making things, showing a particular liking towards larger than life characters such as super heroes and robots (Robocop is my all time fave!)


I have no formal qualifications in art or engineering, but instead taught myself everything I know through the power of the internet! Google, Youtube and trial and error were my mentors, and over the years I have picked up many skills and frequently work with lots of different mediums to complete my builds.

"What builds?" I hear you ask, EVERYTHING we have for hire! All of the costumes, and all of the big props are hand made by me!

So what is Hire A Hero? It all started in 2013, I rewatched Iron Man and got inspired. So, in true Tony Stark fashion I locked myself away for weeks on end until my Iron Man suit was complete. After wearing my new costume out and about a few times I couldn't believe the reaction I got from kids and even adults, I felt like a celebrity! So when people suggested that I wear it to events, a little lightbulb lit up above my head and Hire A Hero was born.

Since early 2014 I (and my ever expanding team of super heroes) have attended many birthday parties, weddings, charity events, comic cons and corporate events including overseas. We have even done events for celebrity clients, all wearing suits I made with my own two hands!

What sets us apart from your typical mascot hire company is our love for the characters we're portraying. We aren't just people dressed up as superheroes, your children will believe we ARE superheroes! All of the costumes are meticulously crafted to be as accurate as possible, and the wearer stays in character the entire time and is so knowledgeable about the character they're portraying and their stories, that they'll be able to answer any and all questions thrown at them.

You will never see us offer a soft skinned mascot for hire, and I will never make one, and that is simply because it doesn't interest me, it is not my passion. I like pushing boundaries of what's possible with costume design, that's why my Iron Man suit is the latest movie version, has lights all over it just like in the film, the face opens and closes and it even has lasers! Any other companies have an 8ft Tall Thanos costume and his throne? Or a life size statue of ED-209 to go with a Robocop character? Nope! Well we do, and why? Because it' fricken awesome, that's why!

And that is why we are...

"More than just amazing heroes!"


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